As you can see it may need some tweeking here and there. Specifically I will need to fix up some of the mini-map icons and work out some layering issues. But besides that all it needs now is content which I will add as I go. For the moment the mini-map is exactly where I want it to be.
You may have also noticed that the Mini-map is of better quality than that of the rest of the game. That is because the mini-map needed some very precis calculations and in order to get accurate readings I needed to work with the final product. So this officially is the first completed graphic for the Starbase project.
Oh and what's more, you may have noticed the giant floating
Yes the asteroids current graphics are shocking, but like the starbase itself that system is awaiting a major graphical overhaul. So patience, I will get around to prettying up the game one day.
So now the mini-map is finally down what's next?
-Build/research/resources/menu buttons/tabs all need to be added.
-Main menu, in which I will be adding everything possible ranging from a load, new game, campaign, tutorial, options, and so on.
-More environmental features; Like Nebula and Suns.
-Resources! Can't build a starbase on nothing. So Right after all the ingame tabs and buttons complete I'm moving straight onto this. Possibly may add some components like solar panels, hydroponics, water collectors, Oxygen Recyclers so you can collect resources and actually build/expand. This might mark the end of my TechDev series and mark the start of my Indev series. I may have closed beta testing from that point onwards but I'm very cautious about releasing this game too early. Especially in it's current state this game gets very boring very quickly.
I'm also contemplating an internal high-score. What do you think?
Sincerely TinnedEpic - A Robots Game
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